
the wolf hack? It's Easy If You Do It Smart

08/09/2017 Angelskivy 他问...

http://gamedeveloperworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/the-wolf-hack.png In the instance of wevibe, which sells remote-control vibrators, the company agreed to pay for $3.75 million in March to settle on a classaction suit alleging that it used its program to covertly collect information regarding how clients used its products. The company Bose, meanwhile, is currently being sued for compiling data--for example users' music-listening histories--from headphones. What better way to prepare for that weekend than by indulging in the some of the most well done web content of the Internet? Treat your self to Afternoon Delight and then benefit from your lunch break, Decider curated selections of the finest on the world wide web. This week, we're spotlighting The Wolf, a new web show from HP Studios starring Christian Slater. Directed by Lance Acord, who you might know from his gorgeous cinematography in Spike Jonze's work, The Wolf follows a undercover antagonist (Slater) since he cleverly invades the fictional Pierce Arthur Monroe Financial's network. The entire business could be brought down by only document. How, you ask? Well, it turns out that hackers having access to personal information may cause a company-wide collapse. The Wolf of Slater proves that this to be true after he finds one of the employees is having a birthday and decides to make the most of her weakness by sending her an email featuring a gift certificate. She prints it giving access to him and essentially letting him destroy the business with ease. This hacker has no great reason behind his sabotage; because they could, he does it. We will not beat around the bush here; it's a hell of a well-done series, although nonetheless, it's an ad for HP's lineup of secure printers. Much like the way tv has gotten more cinematic, it's apparent that advertising efforts have joined in on the exciting. Slater is equally as enjoyably menacing as he could be on Mr. Robot, the cinematography is slick and magnificent, the storytelling is digestible, and also the soundtrack is picture quality. This really is only one of the examples of storytelling what this means to have a new and also which elevates the standards for entrepreneurs. So find famished. Because some content is being served up by The Wolf. Take Our Poll Share this:Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click here to talk on Twitter (Opens in new window)Proceed here to discuss on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to mail (Opens in new window)Proceed to replicate URLClick to discuss on Whats App (Opens in new window) Tags Afternoon Delight Christian Slater HP is one of the most significant brands working with storytelling to produce custom content for its own audience. The new show was made to target IT decisionmakers and chief information and security officers . Rather than a business to business effort, Mr. Batra noted, the attempt is more of a business to consumer angle push aimed at breaking through the clutter. He said that a lot more than 55 percent of the IT community are elderly millennials"gamers who would appreciate a digital series that joins into Mr. Slater's "Mr. Robot" TV series. To Have More accessibility, Content & Connections? We are happy you are enjoying Advertising Age. To find uninterrupted access and advantages, become a member today. Upgrade to Membership Already a member? Join or return back to the homepage. We won't beat around the bush here; nonetheless, it's an ad for HP's lineup of printers, however it is really a hell of a welldone series. Much like the way television has become more cinematic, it's clear that ad campaigns have joined in on the exciting, too. Slater is simply as menacing as he could be on http://gamedeveloperworld.com/the-wolf-hack-android-v2-21b, the cinematography is slick and magnificent, the storytelling is digestible, and the soundtrack is picture quality. This really is some of the examples of story telling which elevates the standards for advertisers and what it means to have a new. Find hungry, folks. Because The Wolf is serving up some content that is seriously excellent.


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